How you feel about Before Your Very Eyes (Written and Directed by Edward Elefterion) depends very much upon the person you are, what you believe about the events of 9/11, and whether or not you are a person who trusts what they see and takes it for truth, or if you are a person who needs evidence [...]
Planet Connections Theatre Festivity is New York City’s premiere eco-friendly theatre festival, connecting artists and audiences with diverse dynamic charitable organizations. The Planet Connections experience entertains, enlightens and informs. The Happiest Medium (proud sponsors of The Planet Connections Festival), continues the Q&A which we’ll be running every day until the festival begins on June 3rd. [...]
Living in New York, flanked by some of the best museums of the world we often tend to forget that our city is home to some of the best small collections as well. Last Sunday I spent some time reacquainting myself with the Frick Collection and I was reminded just how much I enjoy this [...]