May 2010

How you feel about Before Your Very Eyes (Written and Directed by Edward Elefterion) depends very much upon the person you are, what you believe about the events of 9/11, and whether or not you are a person who trusts what they see and takes it for truth, or if you are a person who needs evidence [...]


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Planet Connections Theatre Festivity is New York City’s premiere eco-friendly theatre festival, connecting artists and audiences with diverse dynamic charitable organizations. The Planet Connections experience entertains, enlightens and informs. The Happiest Medium (proud sponsors of The Planet Connections Festival), continues the Q&A which we’ll be running every day until the festival begins on June 3rd.  [...]



Living in New York,  flanked by some of the best museums of the world we often tend to forget that our city is home to some of the best small collections as well.  Last Sunday I spent some time reacquainting myself with the Frick Collection and I was reminded just how much I enjoy this [...]



Planet Connections Q&A: Down The Rabbit Hole / Recovery

by The Happiest Medium May 26, 2010 Festivals

Planet Connections Theatre Festivity is New York City’s premiere eco-friendly theatre festival, connecting artists and audiences with diverse dynamic charitable organizations. The Planet Connections experience entertains, enlightens and informs. The Happiest Medium (proud sponsors of The Planet Connections Festival), continues the Q&A which we’ll be running every day until the festival begins on June 3rd.  [...]

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Planet Connections Theatre Festivities – We’re On Our Way! (Q&A: Laurie Deacon / Dig And Be Dug)

by The Happiest Medium May 25, 2010 Festivals

Planet Connections Theatre Festivity is New York City’s premiere eco-friendly theatre festival, connecting artists and audiences with diverse dynamic charitable organizations. The Planet Connections experience entertains, enlightens and informs. We at The Happiest Medium are proud sponsors of The Planet Connections Festival, and therefore would like to kick off the celebration with some thoughtful Q&As [...]

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Netflix + Wii = A Marriage Made In My Television

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 22, 2010 Television

Karen Tortora-Lee and Stephen Tortora-Lee would like to announce the marriage of their Netflix Account to their Wii Console. The bride wore a dazzling red Netflix wrapper; the groom stood wordlessly next to my TV anxiously awaiting her arrival.  From the moment they locked codes it was a divine union. It’s only been a few [...]

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A Haunting At The Chelsea Hotel

by Anne Jordanova May 21, 2010 Art

I felt very compelled to share my experience of staying at the notorious Chelsea Hotel last night, as today it is still rattling me to the bone. I had a shoot last night, Wednesday, at the hotel in room 501. I found out it was an incredible suite on a floor very famous for housing [...]

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Desk Set: Back Then, The Future Was Now

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 21, 2010 Manhattan

We’re going to start this review off with a quiz to illustrate a point.  What’s the title of the poem that begins “By The Shores Of Gitche Gumee?” Go ahead, I’ll wait while you find out for me. Back so soon?  And your answer?  That’s right.  “The Song of Hiawatha” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  And [...]

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New Forms Of Something Different: A Review Of “Three Sisters Come And Go”

by Sarah V. Schweig May 17, 2010 Art

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. T.S. Eliot The very idea of Three Sisters Come and Go was risky to begin with.  A collaborative effort between the actors — Liza Cassidy, Claire Helene and Jackie Lowe [...]

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Cabaretion! The Innovative Theatre Foundation’s Gala Benefit Honors Christopher Durang

by Diánna Martin May 14, 2010 Awards

On Monday, May 17th, the New York Innovative Theatre Foundation will be bringing down the house with a fabulous fundraising benefit at Caroline’s on Broadway – Cabaretion!. There will be food, open bar, and a line-up hosted by Jackie Hoffman that includes Taylor Mac among many other awesome performers;  but to top it off, the [...]

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4 Cents Review: Blessings Abound At Jacob’s House

by 4 Cents Reviews May 13, 2010 4 Cents Review

4 Cents Review – When 2 reviewers each give their 2 cents. Today Antonio Minino and Karen Tortora-Lee give their 4 Cents about Jacob’s House which is playing at The Access Theatre. Karen Tortora-Lee: I am convinced of a few things regarding Flux Theatre Ensemble and August Schulenberg after seeing Jacob’s House now playing at [...]

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Not Your Father’s Circus: Le Cirque Feerique (The Fairy Circus)

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 13, 2010 Brooklyn

Can you die from too much beauty?  Probably not.  But if you could, I came close to doing so as I watched Company XIV “A mixed media Neo-Baroque dance-theatre  company” spin  Le Cirque Féerique (The Fairy Circus) into being in front of my dazzled eyes last weekend.  The show consists of a series of fairy tales [...]

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Small Town, Big Show – “Barrier Island”

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 13, 2010 Manhattan

There are two kinds of die hard New Yorkers.  Those who were born here and will never leave, and those who came here to escape small towns . . . and will never leave.  If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of those two, and if you’re the latter then Barrier Island will remind [...]

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What’s On Your List? “The Love List”

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 11, 2010 Manhattan

I always imagined that my perfect husband would be a native New Yorker, probably a few years older than me.  He would be working at a media company of some sort, have the same obsession with pop culture that I do, he would be neat (or neatish . . . definitely not a slob), always [...]

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New Filmmakers Lose A Great Outlet -Rest in Peace Gen Art

by Anne Jordanova May 10, 2010 Film

For those who work in independent film in New York or LA – the announcement that Gen Art has finally become a victim of the recession hits hard. After 16 amazing years of bringing to the public emerging film, fashion, music, and fantastic parties – Gen Art’s rule has ended. Related Posts:No Related Posts

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Happy Mother’s Day From THM

by Karen Tortora-Lee May 9, 2010 Books

The Happiest Medium would like to wish all the Moms, all the children of moms, and all the fans of TV Moms a happy day today. Feeling Nostalgic for Carol Brady, or even Peg Bundy?  Then check this out: Related Posts:Saying Goodbye To FX’s Nip/Tuck

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In Defense Of The Real World

by Sarah V. Schweig May 4, 2010 Art

I’m not big on the real world.  But The Real World–well, that’s a different story.  I don’t have cable.  I don’t even have a TV.  It is therefore impossible to use innocent channel-surfing as an excuse to pause on a program of eight strangers living in a mansion having their lives taped.  No.  The steps [...]

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