SATC II: A Review In Whispers

by Sarah V. Schweig on June 3, 2010 · 4 comments

in Film, Review

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“I’m scared.”
“Me too.”


“I’m confused.”
“Me too.”


“What just happened?”
“Liza Minnelli dance number.”


“It’s sort of like Alice in Wonderland.”
“Sort of.”
“Or the series finale of I Dream of Jeannie.”
“Sort of.”
“Or if there were an episode after the series finale.”
“Or an episode after that one.”
“A really atrocious one.”


“I’m done.”
“You’re dying?”
“No, I said, ‘I’m done.’”


“Whose butler is that?”
“No, that’s Miranda.”


“There’s something called Orientalism.  Have they not heard of it?”


“What about the energy crisis?”


“That’s just wrong.”
“That’s unbelievably offensive.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Who is laughing?”


“Whose fault is this?”
“Is it ours?”
“Sort of.”
“I’m literally stunned.”


“Is she wearing a parachute?”
“She’s basically wearing a parachute.”


“I’m dying.”
“You’re done?”
“No, dying.  I’m dying.”


“Didn’t that already happen?”
“It all already happened.”


“Is it over yet?”
“We still have another hour and a half.”
“But is it over yet?”



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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

NSOIANo Gravatar June 3, 2010 at 11:08 pm

She WAS wearing a parachute!

DiannaNo Gravatar June 4, 2010 at 12:38 am

I literally laughed out loud. Well done.

I think I won’t be seeing SATC II….

Anne JordanovaNo Gravatar June 9, 2010 at 12:02 pm

haha Sarah! Love this.. Sad to say, I am a HUGE Sex and the City fan.. Of the Television series and the first film.. I saw the sequel last week, and I was stunned.. “Did I go into the wrong movie”?! What a shame. What the HELL happened?! You summed up all my thoughts!!

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