September 2010

For those of us who were there last night, either as fans of Green Day, Broadway, or their rock opera American Idiot- it was a legendary moment.  Billie Joe Armstrong- lead singer of Green Day, main lyricist, and guitarist of the band for the past 20 years made his Broadway debut appropriately as the character  [...]



Zaritsas: Russian Women in New York – a life-changing documentary by Elena Beloff will be screened on Oct 24 at the Astoria/LIC Film Festival. Elena Beloff, a graduate of the New School University where she had studied film production, wanted to make movies since she was a little girl in her hometown in Tatarstan, Russia. [...]



AHEAD OF TIME Ruth Gruber didn’t just report the news. She made it. See the trailer: New York Times Arts & Leisure Article on the Film Jewish Journal Interview with Ruth Gruber **** Brooklyn Heights Cinema 70 Henry Street Brooklyn NY 11201 Related Posts:Review of ‘Chloe’



De Profil: Jesse Eisenberg

by Anne Jordanova September 29, 2010 De Profil

If you don’t yet recognize this face yet live in New York City, you may as well be living under a rock. This week I am featuring one of my favorite young actors, Jesse Eisenberg, because he is just incredible, and should be mentioned in every hot topic column regarding film actors. Related Posts:No Related [...]

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“A Home Across The Ocean” – A Heart Right Here

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 28, 2010 Interviews

Being the editor and founder of The Happiest Medium has its privileges.  I’d like to think that I know how to delegate but I’ll be honest – when an opportunity came up to interview Ms. Alex Bond I took it for myself because I’d been wanting to meet this wonderful lady ever since I’d seen [...]

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Stinky Flowers, Sweet Thoughts

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 28, 2010 Interviews

There’s something truly wonderful about smartly written children’s stories.  When you look at the enduring ones they’re not still around because they’re cute or funny or have clever titles . . . they’re still around because they teach an amazing lesson in a subtle and gentle way.  So, while Stinky Flowers and the Bad Banana [...]

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Revealed Burlesque Lives Up To Its Promising Name

by Lina Zeldovich September 25, 2010 Manhattan

Burlesque is about fun and mischief, and Revealed Burlesque is as mischievous and revealing as it gets. The producer, Doc Wasabassco and co-producer GiGi La Femme, who is also the star of the show, have the moxie and sexy to create a one-of-a-kind neo-burlesque, that combined everything from female allure to the beauty of a [...]

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2nd Ave Poetry – Volume 3 Launch

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 25, 2010 Books

2nd Ave Poetry, vol 3: The Occult Saturday, September 25 5-7 pm FREE (or with suggested donation) The Creek and The Cave 10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City (on the E, G, & 7 train, B61 bus) featuring readings & multimedia performances by mitch HIGHFILL   *   toni SIMON  *  hector CANONGE * charles BORKHUIS  [...]

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There’s Only One Channel – Channel One (Clown Festival)

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 23, 2010 Brooklyn

Remember the days before DVR and instant streaming NetFlix when, if you wanted to watch TV you sorta had to watch whatever was on?  Yeah . . . good times. An afternoon of  TV was an eclectic mixed bag of cooking shows, public access chat fests and random syndicated sitcoms. Now imagine that it’s the [...]

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Monsters Redux!

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 22, 2010 Manhattan

Due to an overwhelming audience response, sold-out performances, and critical acclaim Donnie And The Monsters (written by Robert J. Gibbs and directed by Heidi G.Grumelot) has been extended for two ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCES! Sat October 2 at 8pm Sun October 3 at 7pm Read my review and then go check out the show!!! ~~~ DONNIE AND [...]

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A Bright New Boise – There’s A Little Boise In Us All

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 22, 2010 Manhattan

Why would anyone want a job at The Hobby Lobby? A Parts-R-Us for those who can’t stop themselves from scapbooking, and otherwise decorating what is probably already an over-decorated house . . . The Hobby Lobby is a buzzing little hub of activity filled with the quaintest of characters. But again . . . why [...]

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Casey Affleck’s “I’m Still Here” Starring Joaquin Phoenix-A Brilliant Experiment On Fame

by Anne Jordanova September 20, 2010 Film

I left a screening late last night of “I’m Still Here” disturbed, alarmed, and literally unable to sleep afterward.  The ‘documentary film’ directed by Casey Affleck centers around the retirement of actor and brother in law Joaquin Phoenix, and his decision to descend into a downward spiral into the world of hip hop. After two [...]

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Hula Hell Is Miss Saturn – The Whirling Dervish Of Fun (Clown Festival)

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 17, 2010 Brooklyn

Hula Hell Is Miss Saturn? you ask?  Or, to rephrase a bit . . . Who The Hell Is Miss Saturn? you ask? That’s me giving you an assist on how to parse the title, since (quite frankly) until Miss Saturn herself shouted it from backstage it wasn’t quite as punny to my ear. That’s [...]

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Donnie And The Monsters . . . You Know, The One With The Puppets

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 16, 2010 Manhattan

Donnie’s got it tough.  He’s not good at gym . . . the resident cool kid picks on him . . . his babysitter sees snakes in the furniture . . . his only friend at school is a gal even nerdier than he is . . . and his only friend at home is [...]

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An Intriguing And Disturbing New Documentary Shedding Light On The Ugly Side Of Modeling – Opens Friday

by Anne Jordanova September 16, 2010 Event

“Picture Me- A Model’s Diary” is the new documentary following the rise of high fashion model Sara Ziff, over the course of several years, by her then filmmaker boyfriend Ole Schell. It first premiered  at the 2009 Gen Art Film Festival in New York, and it is shocking, honest, and disturbing. Related Posts:No Related Posts

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Brace Yourself – Viewer Discretion Advised

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 15, 2010 Manhattan

Viewer Discretion Advised is about a chance encounter between mild mannered Norm and a mysterious stranger that starts at uneasy, takes you on past creepy, veers off into inappropriate and drops you off at completely bizarre.  For Norm, it’s a cautionary tale about letting strangers into your home and into your life.  For the audience, [...]

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Keeping Her Balls In The Air – Monica Bauer Tells Us How She Does It

by Karen Tortora-Lee September 4, 2010 Interviews

If you weren’t one of the lucky ones who was able to get to Planet Connections to experience Made For Each Other- take heart!  It’s coming around again as part of an evening of theatre entitle BALLS: the Testosterone Plays of Monica Bauer.  In order to be able to get this production off the ground [...]

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