October 2010

“How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, the means to every crime is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold.” – Marquis de Sade Company XIV has joined up with [...]



The Happiest Medium Review by guest contributors Anjali Koppal and Saurabh Paranjape We went into Dorothy Fortenberry’s Good Egg expecting a light hearted take on the subject of embryo selection, probably due to the play’s frothy self-description (“A funny and surprising play about bioethics, siblings, and the limits of unconditional love”). We walked out of [...]



What I’m about to tell you will sound very controversial . . . you may not even believe me at first. Frankly, I probably shouldn’t even be writing about it at all, but I’m compelled to. You see, last Wednesday night at 8:00pm I was an eye-witness to an alien invasion. Not just any alien [...]



THE HAPPIEST MEDIUM (In 3-D) First Year Anniversary Party – RSVP NOW!

by Karen Tortora-Lee October 20, 2010 Event

Come on, you know you’ve been waiting for it!  Ever since that save-the-date you’ve been waiting for this link so that you could RSVP for the fizziest, blingy-est party of the season that will be glossy, glitzy, and glittery, filled with confection of every kind! Sweet party people in their addictive party clothes sending out [...]

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Be [un]afraid … Very [un]afraid: The Neos Show Us The Many Faces Of Fear

by Diánna Martin October 19, 2010 Manhattan

Those who are even remotely familiar with the Off and Off-Off-Theatre scene in New York have, by this point, either heard of or seen work by the New York Neo-Futurists. The company, whose work has awarded them the New York Innovative Theatre Foundation‘s Caffe Cino Fellowship and the respect of critics and audiences alike, is [...]

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Cymbeline: It Doth Requireth Some Work . . .

by The Happiest Medium October 17, 2010 Manhattan

The Happiest Medium Review by guest contributors Anjali Koppal and Saurabh Paranjape Cymbeline is one of those everything-and-the-kitchen-sink Shakespeare dramedies that is very hard to ruin. Between tangled, overcrowded story-lines full of royal intrigue, mistaken identities, mysterious potions, Romans, Italians, Gods and angels, the plot has enough going on at any given point to keep [...]

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Austin McCormick – Dancing Through Life

by Karen Tortora-Lee October 17, 2010 Brooklyn

I can count on one hand the men whose talent leave me dazzled – and while they all strike a chord for different reasons they all  have one thing in common: the ability to amaze me in a way that I’ve never experienced before.  Like the first time I heard a Sondheim phrase and had [...]

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Stinky Flowers And The Bad Banana Has Heart . . . And Cookies!

by Karen Tortora-Lee October 16, 2010 Manhattan

Don’t go near the stinky flowers! warns the cast of Stinky Flowers And The Bad Banana – but if you’re in the mood for a children’s show that sits comfortably with adults as well, you may want to ignore this advice and head straight for UNDER St. Marks where you’ll be offered up great bunches [...]

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How Do You Measure A Year? With A Party! *THE HAPPIEST MEDIUM IN 3-D!*

by Karen Tortora-Lee October 7, 2010 Art

Things are really buzzing at The Happiest Medium.  We can hardly believe it, but we’re about to celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!  Was it only yesterday that we swung wide the virtual doors and hung out our THM shingle? Related Posts:No Related Posts

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tinseltownspeople – Mad Detective

by The Happiest Medium October 6, 2010 Film

The Happiest Medium welcomes our friends, fellow reviewers tinseltownspeople “Lazy weekend adventures in the land of make-believe… ” Today they give us their take on Johnnie To’s  2007 film Mad Detective . . . _________ Crazy, Awesome, and Crazy Awesome… Few films delve into the human psyche with the incisive wit and stylistic panache on [...]

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