November 2010

One of the very cool things about this series is that each month they randomly pick an audience member to star in a film to be shown the following month at Iron Mule. So if you’ve been sitting around waiting for your star turn, your odds will be significantly increased just by sitting in this audience. [...]



Come to DIVA SEARCH! What is DIVA SEARCH?  It’s open mike opera karaoke!   And I say it’s about time! On Thursday December 2, break out your inner diva and join Morningside Opera for an evening of music and revelry. Besides an opera karoake contest starring YOU, the party will also feature burlesque performances by Medianoche, [...]



If you weren’t familiar with the body of work playwright Monica Bauer has produced, upon hearing the title of her latest show, BALLS!  The Testosterone Plays, it would be very easy to mistakenly dismiss this as a night of 2 one-act plays that do nothing more than skewer fifty percent of the population.  Delve a [...]



Last Looks At The Happiest Medium In 3-D – Pull Your Glasses Out

by Stephen Tortora-Lee November 21, 2010 Art

For those of you who attended the Happiest Medium’s 1st Anniversary Party (in 3-D) you may have seen these slide shows already. They feature the great performers we had there, and some of their upcoming projects. Here is the main slide show with the normal as well as 3-D-ified images that will jump out at [...]

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Hardware Dreams – Hard Won

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 20, 2010 Manhattan

Within seconds of meeting Sunilda Caraballo you’re smiling back at her – because besides greeting you with a long rambling hello, she’s turned on a thousand watt smile that’s impossible to not return.  Bubbly, energetic and easy to be with, Sunilda welcomes you into the mess of her apartment that can’t seems to stay clean [...]

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The Happiest Medium Giveaway – Theatre With Balls!

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 20, 2010 Manhattan

Usually when THM has a giveaway we run a contest and only one very lucky winner gets a pair of free tickets to a show.  But, because Monica Bauer and her team are such fans of the site, and because they had such a wonderful time participating in our 1 year anniversary party they would [...]

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It’s A Double Header Of Our Favorites – BALLS! And KILL THE BAND!

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 19, 2010 Event

We’re still coming down from the amazing party that was held (in 3-D!) on Monday night – celebrating The Happiest Medium’s first year.  If you were lucky enough to be at the party you saw some wonderful performances.  If you missed it – I’ve got some great news for you. This weekend you can get [...]

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Entrevista: Peter Zinn Director Of Benefactors

by Antonio Miniño November 19, 2010 Entrevista

Peter Zinn is no stranger to Retro Productions, having helmed their incarnation of Holy Days and Women and War. He was kind enough to answer a couple of questions regarding his past, his upcoming plans and what it’s been like to be directing Michael Frayn’s Benefactors, which you can still catch tonight at the Spoon [...]

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Celebrating My First Five Years With “The Last Five Years”

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 9, 2010 Theatre

It may not make sense to celebrate the past five years of your relationship with a performance of The Last Five Years – the musical. After all, for 50 percent of the show your job as an audience member is to painfully watch this fledgling relationship between Cathy and Jamie disintegrate while trying not to [...]

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That’s Quite A Story – The Tragic Story Of Doctor Frankenstein

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 8, 2010 Brooklyn

There is a very good reason why some stories are told under the cover of darkness – hidden from the world and everything that takes place during the mundane trivialities of the day.  Because some stories aren’t meant for the daylight.  Only a blanket of blackest night will give some words that extra visceral thrill, [...]

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Balm In Gilead – Everyone Has A Story

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 3, 2010 Manhattan

In vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured. Jeremiah 46:11 To call T. Schreiber Studio’s  Balm in Gilead a “play” is an understatement.   Step into the Gloria Maddox Theater and find yourself stepping back in time – to a sensation, a memory, a peek into a world that few escaped and [...]

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Tony Chiroldes – The Sound Of One Man Soaring: Before Icarus Fell

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 1, 2010 Interviews

It’s not every day that The Henson Foundation takes an interest in your work – but then again, it’s not every day that man takes flight either. The first time man conquered the air was when Alberto Santos-Dumont flew the first controlled airship.  Despite the fact that – at the time – Santos-Dumont was one [...]

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Critical Mass – Revenge Can Be . . .

by Karen Tortora-Lee November 1, 2010 Manhattan

“A good review is never good enough . . . a bad review is devastating . . .” Critical Mass (written by Joanne Sydney Lessner and directed by Donald Brenner) exposes a dirty little secret of reviewers: for some critics, reviewing is a bloodsport.  For those critics who are out for blood,  the review itself [...]

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