If you missed my interview with Cindy Murphy last week take a second to catch up – she is one talented lady with a great eye and an even greater sense of humor. Which is why it’s only fitting that for the first official instiallment of what will be a biweekly event we focus on the Funny Ladies in her series.

Of course it also doesn’t hurt that one of those diptychs is me (ahem). Like Cindy said in her interview, “What I look for is not a perfect match but rather some element that is strong enough to create the effect of “twinning”. Sometimes it’s hair, sometimes it’s a smile. Usually a combo though of two elements.” So for my match Cindy found Fran Drescher because of “same smile, same wicked twinkle in the eyes”. Not to mention the fact that both Fran and I spent a night dancing on the hallowed floor of 2001 Odyssey. I, on the other hand, managed to tame my Brooklynese accent long ago, unless I’m driving and then we’re pretty much idendical on all fronts.
Next up is Wendy and her doppleganger, Catherine O’Hara, who has been making people laugh for years. In the last ten years or so she’s been particularly known for her standout work in the Christopher Guest mocumentaries Waiting For Guffman, Best In Show, A Mighty Wind and For Your Consideration.

Wendy | Catherine O'Hara
Rounding out today’s trio is Kate who is doing a good Tina Fey here – thankfully the more glamorous Fey and not the Fey-as-Palin.

Kate | Tina Fey
Keep checking back for more of Cindy Murphy’s Doppleganger Diptychs – the next smiling face might be your own!
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