April 2011

I’m glad when they arrive and I’m glad when they leave. I’m glad when I hear their heels approaching my door and I’m glad when those heels walk away. I’m glad to fuck. I’m glad to care. And I’m glad when it’s over. And since it’s always either starting or finishing I’m glad most of [...]



    There are so many ways that the notion of gender can be fucked with (or – to continue a theme “f*cked” with) that the idea of throwing it all up there on the  stage and cabareting the hell out of is an appealing one.   Mariah MacCarthy’s The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret (directed by [...]



Meet Simon and Kim – passionate. About their cause (we’ll get to that in a moment), about each other (when we meet them they’re taking a cozy bath together) and about their work which (currently) is a documentary film they’re shooting called The Un-Marrying Project.  As it stands, this play IS the film.  Or is [...]



I’m Not Sure I Like The Way You Licked Me – She Takes A Lickin’ And Keeps On: Bricken

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 8, 2011 Manhattan

    Bricken Sparacino sure has been licked a lot in her life … but not exactly the way you’d expect from a show titled I’m Not Sure I Like The Way You Licked Me!.  I mean, of course, there is the requisite anecdote about the guy who french kissed her in a way that [...]

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A Day In The Life … “The Family Shakespeare” By The Numbers

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 4, 2011 Karen's Interviews

If you’ve never directed a show you probably don’t have any idea how many things need to be juggled, handled, addressed, discussed, solved, finessed, smoothed out, put in order  … it boggles the mind.   I asked my beloved friend Antonio Minino to tell me what a random day is like for him as he [...]

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The Team Behind “Gay Plays For Straight People (And Also Gay People)” Gives Me Some Straight Answers (And Also Some Gay Answers)

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 4, 2011 Karen's Interviews

Gay Plays for Straight People (and also gay people) is comprised of two plays which will play in rep brought to you by the new theatre company Purple Rep founded by playwrights Larry Kunofsky and Mariah MacCarthy.  The plays - Kunofsky’s The Un-Marrying Project and MacCarthy’s The All-American Genderf*ck Cabaret – will run from April 8-30 at The Paradise Factory (64 [...]

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Early Risers / Night Owls … Come With Me – Help Save UNDER St. Marks

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 4, 2011 Manhattan

  Linda Evangelista is the source of the oft-quoted line “I won’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.” I’ve often paraphrased and said that I won’t get out of bed before six a.m. unless a number like that is mentioned. Yeah, well … how about a number like over 5 million? [...]

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Women’s History Month GRAND FINALE: Celebrating Women In The Arts – It Ain’t Over Till The Phat Ladies Sing

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 2, 2011 Karen's Interviews

On the last day of March Women’s History Month came to a close but today we have one final curtain call – with two amazing women from the world of opera: Brooke Bryant and Minou Arjomand. Yes, March is officially over.   But, like I said in the title, it’s over when *I* say it’s [...]

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We Need YOU!

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 2, 2011 Uncategorized

Do you love giving your opinion? Do you like free stuff? Well THM is going through a re-design … not huge … but significant. And in the next few weeks we’ll be working behind the scenes so that we can debut a brand new site. BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! We’d need a few beta-testers [...]

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Doctor Frankenstein’s Magical Creature – Cries In The Dark

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 1, 2011 Brooklyn

  I had seen Rabbit Hole Ensemble’s The Tragic Story of Doctor Frankenstein (written by Stanton Wood and directed by Edward Elefterion) just a few short months ago  and was so deeply impressed with the way it was presented that I was eagerly anticipating the second of the series  Doctor Frankenstein’s Magical Creature.   Another joint [...]

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Ahoy, Land Lubbers, ‘Tis Time Fer Three By The Sea

by Lina Zeldovich April 1, 2011 Off-Off-Broadway

“Ladies and gents, girls and boys, scalawags and scurvy dogs! Tis time fer Three By the Sea!” – this is how the new children’s play by Donna Latham begins as the eager audience settles down – some in chairs, others on the floor. The Looking Glass Theatre has a long history of children’s productions, going [...]

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