Doric Wilson passed away May 7th of this year. Some may know him as an American playwright, director, producer, critic and gay rights activist. Others may know him as the founder of TOSOS (The Other Side Of Silence) which was the first professional gay theatre company. But to many he was much, much more … and so to honor this man A Celebration of the Life of Doric Wilson will be held on Monday, October 10th at the Lucille Lortel Theater, 121 Christopher St., New York City, from 6-8pm. The event is free and open to the public; reservations are not required.
Alex Bond was one of the many people who was able to experience Doric Wilson in a personal way. Today she shares a tribute she’d written not long after his death which highlights how the energy of this man shone over her and how privileged she felt for the few months she was able to share with him.
Dear Friends of Doric,
The first time I saw Doric Wilson was when he made his acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award at the Fresh Fruit of Distinction Awards in July 2010. He was so charming, intelligent, witty and irreverent (four of my favorite qualities in a human being) that I gathered up my courage (I am extremely shy) and emailed him. I hoped some day to meet him.
To my great delight he emailed me back. He said that he had gone to my website and found out I was the niece of Sudie Bond. “You look a bit like her”, he noted after seeing a posted photo. He and Sudie had been great friends, part of the Albee /the Caffe Cino crowds. In fact, Doric “loved” (his word) Sudie and wished that they could have worked together professionally.
Emails continued to fly between 9th Avenue and New Jersey and back; and within a few weeks, Doric invited me to a show at LaMama where I had the pleasure of meeting Mark, Jamie and Tari. Then, the TOSOS readings became a part of my calendar; and soon after, Doric asked if I would join the acting company of TOSOS. I said “yes”… and from that point on I was unable to say “no” to Doric Wilson.
One wonders why certain people come into one’s life for only a short time, why these momentary flashes of brilliance must end just as one is getting accustomed to the light.
Doric was a shooting star who embraced me (and my husband), tried to guide me out of my comfort zone, and urged me to “lighten up”.
He also introduced me to those of you to whom I am writing… another gift indeed. I wanted you to know that I am so blessed to have met you through Doric. I am honored to have spent time with this man who was so influential in the advancement of Off-Off-Broadway and LGBT theatre.
I share your loss, dear friends of Doric. And I envy your longer associations with him. But let it be shouted from the rooftop at the Eagle that I am so grateful for the ten months that he was in my life.
Alex Bond
A Celebration of the Life of Doric Wilson Monday, October 10 · 6:00pm – 8:00pm The Lucille Lortel Theatre 121 Christopher Street, New York, NY The event is free and open to the public; reservations are not required.
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