Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?
I Married A Nun!
A one-woman show that dramatically depicts D’yan’s search for love and meaning in life, finding the answers—at age 77—in the smoldering cabarets and demimonde of Paris. With humor, art and her ukulele, she reveals the truth that’s valid for all of us.
Show Times:
- Wed. 2/22 @ 9:00 PM
- Thurs. 2/23 @ 6:00 PM
- Sun. 2/26 @ 1:00 PM
- Thurs. 3/1 @ 7:30 PM
- Sat. 3/3 @ 8:30 PM
Answers by D’yan Forest
(Playwright & Performer)
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
That’s some title. How did you come up with it – and what does it mean?
D’yan: It’s the truth, and the reason I wrote the show.
Diánna Martin’s Question
If you were going to invite five people, anyone from past and present, to see your FRIGID show – who would you invite and why?
D’yan: I’d start with the Nun, so she could see the truth. The Nun’s daughter (that’s right the Nun has a kid) would be second on the list, so the daughter could see how she ruined the marriage. I’d also invite my Rabbi so she would forgive me for what I’d love to do to the ex-Nun. Of course my shrink needs to be included, so she can get a better idea of how to cure me. And lastly, I’d invite the most conservative member of my golf club, so they would be aware of why I go to Paris, and have so much fun. Plus then, they will tell everyone else at the club about my Parisian adventures.
Antonio Minino’s Question
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made for your Art and was it worth it?
D’yan: Writing the show, and baring my soul for all to see. So far, my bank account says it’s not worth it.
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
Was there any unexpected discovery made during the development of this production and, if so, can you share it?
D’yan: My senior citizen friends, though shocked, still talked to me after the show.
Michelle Augello-Page’s Question
What do you hope the audience receives from the experience of seeing this show?
D’yan: I would love to educate people that L’amour n’a pas d’age – Love has no age, and no boundaries.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH
THM Bonus Question – We’re serious this year!
In the THM virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH which FRIGID Show do you take on? And what do you throw?
D’yan: …
D’yan! That’s not actually an answer! BUT this year we will be picking for those who are NOT playing because THIS IS THE PART OF THE Q&A THAT COULD MEAN LIFE OR DEAAAAATH! SO!
You are PAPER. And you challenge Poe-Dunk: A Matchbox Entertainment because despite the fact that they are matches you think you can conquer them with your piece of paper. The result is a fiery blaze! Just like your show!
Thanks I Married A Nun! for participating in The Happiest Medium’s FRIGID New York Festival 2012 Q&A. And for letting us play the game in your place. You’re officially PAPER in any and all challenges. You may win, you may not – who knows! This is how it works in the crazy world of the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH!
For the rest of you, don’t forget to check out I Married A Nun!
I Married A Nun!Written by: D’yan Forest Feb 22, 9:00PM
Feb 23, 6:00PM
Feb 26, 1:00PM
Mar 01, 7:30PM
Mar 03, 8:30PM
$15.00 UNDER St.Marks ~~~
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