The Night of the Assassins
National Theatre Company of the Dominican Republic
Director: Orestes Amador
The assassins of Jose Triana are three brothers who unfold a macabre game, dream about the murder of their parents, develop a generational conflict, and are accompanied by a hatred exacerbated to the abuse of the paternal power and the heavy oppression that feels.
Show Times:
- Tue 1/17 @7:30pm
- Thu 1/19 @ 6:00pm
- Sun 1/22 @ 1:00pm
Answers by Wilson Ureña, actor
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
This is an international festival. What part of the world are you coming from … and will your show tantalize the NYC audience with a taste of your nation’s culture?
Wilson Ureña: we are from Dominican Republic. Our play has an international language that adapts to any audience. Day to day things, taking the subject of the peoples abuse to the weaker ones which results in more violence and vengeance. Which makes the audience see that Respect to your children’s decisions and choices is necessary so they can be greater human beings.
Dianna Martin’s Question
Who is the greatest inspiration to you artistically?
Wilson Ureña: Al Pacino
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
What emerged as the greatest challenge during the development of this production?
Wilson Ureña:The game of being several people at once, with different characteristics.
Antonio Minino’s Question
You’re in Times Square surrounded by the best Broadway houses and highest selling entertainment in the world. What resources are you utilizing to spread the word about your show and get butts in seats?
Wilson Ureña: Going out and telling people about the theme of our play helping ourselves with the social networks, interviews with the media and just going out there and putting flyers EVERYWHERE.
Writer: Jose Triana
Director:Orestes Amador Run time: 60 min | Country: Dominican Republic| Genre: Drama Venue: Little Times Square Theatre, Roy Arias Studios and Theaters Time: Mon 16th@8:00pm | Wed 18th@6:30pm | Thu 19th@6:30pm
CLICK HERE for Tickets Roy Arias Theaters 300 West 43rd Street 5th Floor New York , New York 10036 8th Avenue
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