Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?
Scratch & Pitz Burlesque and Variety Hour
Company: Heroics in Hotpants
Directed by: Cyndi Freeman and Brad Lawrence
Cherry Pitz (Cyndi Freeman) and Scratch (Brad Lawrence) present a burlesque melodrama & variety show. Cherry wants to do a duet act like Sonny & Cher, Burns & Allen, or Captain & Tennille! In exchange Scratch wants Cherry’s soul.
Show Times:
- Thu 2/23 @ 10:30pm
- Sun 2/26 @ 7:00pm
- Wed 2/29 @ 10:30pm
- Fri 3/2 @ 4:00pm
- Sat 3/3 @ 8:30pm
- Sun 3/4 @ 2:30pm
Answers by Cyndi Freeman
Karen Tortora-Lee’s Question
That’s some title. How did you come up with it – and what does it mean?
Cyndi: The Scratch & Pitz Burlesque and Variety Hour is a show about how the Devll “Scratch” offers Cherry Pitz her wildest dream in exchange for her soul. Cherry’s dream is to have a Variety show Like Sonny and Cher, Captain & Tennille. And this is the show!
Diánna Martin’s Question
If you were going to invite five people, anyone from past and present, to see your FRIGID show – who would you invite and why?
Sonny and Chery – Because they inspired this.
Captain & Tennille – Also Because they inspired this.
Cherry’s father Harry Pitz – It was his dream in the first place.
The Krofft Brothers – who shaped me in ways therapy will never correct.
Bea Aurthur – Because I sing part of her song from the Star Wars Holiday Special…and no one but me knows all the words.
Antonio Minino’s Question
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made for your Art and was it worth it?
Cyndi: I slept without a real bed for 5 years because whenever I had enough money to buy one I would put it to art projects instead. Was it worth it? Sure! Luckily I married my co-producer Brad Lawrence … he had a bed so its a moot point.
Geoffrey Paddy Johnson’s Question
Was there any unexpected discovery made during the development of this production and, if so, can you share it?
Cyndi: Its really easy to convince Peter Aguero to get naked on stage….but we were not that surprised.
Michelle Augello-Page’s Question
What do you hope the audience receives from the experience of seeing this show?
Cyndi: Permanent psychological scars.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH
THM Bonus Question – We’re serious this year!
In the THM virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH which FRIGID Show do you take on? And what do you throw?
Cyndi: Stripper Lesbians – I’m throwing paper…but only $5’s and $1’s.
SO CLEVER Cyndi! I have no idea what Stripper Lesbians will throw but if you wind up winning you certainly soften the blow by tucking dollar bills into their g-strings. Of course I’m sure the stripper lesbians wouldn’t have it any other way.
You were challenged by Love in the Time of Chlamydia who threw ROCK and that gives you a WIN! So, a WIN and a wait-and-see … how’s THAT for variety?
Thanks Scratch & Pitz Burlesque And Variety Hour for participating in The Happiest Medium’s FRIGID New York Festival 2012 Q&A. And for playing our game! You’re officially PAPER in any and all challenges. You may win again, you may not – who knows! This is how it works in the crazy world of the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament of DEAAAAATH!
For the rest of you don’t forget to check out Scratch & Pitz Burlesque And Variety Hour!
Scratch & Pitz: Burlesque Variety Hour Company: Heroics in Hotpants Directed by: Cyndi Freeman and Brad Lawrence Feb 23, 10:30PM Feb 26, 7:00PM Feb 29, 10:30PM Mar 02, 4:00PM Mar 03, 8:30PM $10.00 The Kraine Theater
The 2012 FRIGID NEW YORK FESTIVAL will run February 22-March 4 at The Kraine Theater & The Red Room (85 East 4th Street between 2nd Ave and Bowery) and UNDER St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place between 1st Ave and Ave A). Tickets to all shows may be purchased online at www.FRIGIDnewyork.info or by calling Smarttix at 212-868-4444.
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