THE OLDEST and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. – H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror In Literature When I think of Howard Phillips (H.P.) Lovecraft’s Weird Stories I think of very intelligent people, facing the unknown. An unknown that is not known [...]
The Thing About Dan, which ran last month, was the first play mounted by Slightly Altered States Theater Company, written and directed by Sari Caine Glickstein, created in collaboration with actor Michael Hurst (Paul) and improviser Louis Kornfeld ( Zip). The production was very warmly received and many of the nights the cast was playing to sold-out [...]
David Lawson’s solo show, VCR Love, had a limited engagement recently at The Brick Theater. Bold and innovative, this show explored the consequences, both positive and negative, of the increasing availability of porn in American society as seen through his own experiences. The story begins with Lawson’s first “exposure” to explicit nudity at the impressionable [...]
LOL:The End – Beginning And End (2012 FRIGID NEW YORK FESTIVAL)
by Stephen Tortora-Lee February 29, 2012 DanceWhat do cell phones, natural disasters, and the industrial revolution have in common? LOL: The End (written and performed by Michi Ilona Osato, Una Aya Osato, and Yoshimasa “Sen” Osato) sets out to investigate how the world got to where it is, starting with Man’s earliest domination over nature in order to create shelter, and [...]