by Karen Tortora-Lee
March 5, 2010
Congratulations to the winner of our Soup Show Giveaway — Nancy Cohen! Nancy was randomly chosen from those who correctly answered our trivia question. (Q: Who is the director for The Soup Show? A: Lauren Sharpe) Nancy won a pair of tickets to The Soup Show playing at HERE Arts Center. (For more information check [...]
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by Antonio Miniño
March 1, 2010
New York Neo-Futurists Desiree Burch, Cara Francis & Erica Livingston serve up a cure for what ails you in this Neo-Medicine show, performing in and around a giant pot of self-made soup. Bottling this soup, as well as a series of elixirs, potions, tonics and products, they heal and reveal the female experience live, honest [...]
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