The Lambda Literary Foundation has selected 119 finalists for the prestigious 24th Annual Lambda Literary Award, which identifies and celebrates the best of lesbian and gay books in the year of their publication. Finalist readings are being held in San Francisco, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Toronto, and Los Angeles. On Friday, May 11, Lambda [...]
2nd Ave Poetry, vol 3: The Occult Saturday, September 25 5-7 pm FREE (or with suggested donation) The Creek and The Cave 10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City (on the E, G, & 7 train, B61 bus) featuring readings & multimedia performances by mitch HIGHFILL * toni SIMON * hector CANONGE * charles BORKHUIS [...]
Press Release from New York Center for Independent Publishing: New York served as the model for Gotham City, inspired Will Eisner as he created the noirish adventures of The Spirit, and became a recurring character during the 1960s resurgence of Marvel in comics such as Spider-Man and Iron Man. Comics expert Peter Gutiérrez will moderate a high-energy round-table on the relationship [...]