Bricken Sparacino

The Happiest Medium review by guest contributor Katelyn Manfre. Down at UNDER St. Marks there are four ladies discussing it. The big, black elephant in the room. Death. Terrifying, heartbreaking and unrelentingly emotional, losing a loved one is a different journey for us all, but it is in the commonality that we find comfort. In Death: [...]



Because Frigid slots are limited to 60 minutes some shows have needed to trim their original running time.  Cutting down some of the material can sometimes break a beautifully crafted piece, as you just can’t fit it all in. Not so for Emleigh Wolf who has been bringing The Terrible Manpain of Umberto MacDougal to various [...]



Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors? The Terrible Manpain of Umberto MacDougal Written by and starring Emleigh Wolf Directed by Bricken Sparacino Also starring Mike Ogletree Umberto MacDougal allows you to look through the window of his tragic manpain. With a beard full of tears and a melancholy guitarist [...]



Death, It Happens: A Girl’s Guide To Death – 5 Things To Know About The Show Before You Go (2012 FRIGID NEW YORK FESTIVAL)

by The Happiest Medium February 4, 2012 Festivals

Five Questions. Five Answers. And One Big Decision: Rock, Paper, Or Scissors?   Death, it happens: A girl’s guide to death Company: Bricken and Birch Productions Directed by: Lori Kee 4 different women lost 4 different fathers. Hear their true, diverse, moving and sometimes funny stories. Learn what happened, what they did to cope (or [...]

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Lipshtick (Fringe Festival 2011)

by Michelle Augello-Page August 21, 2011 Festivals

  Lipshtick is an ambitious play, taking the audience on a funny, poignant, and complex journey through what it meant to be a woman in 20th century America amidst a media blitzkrieg mirroring society’s perceptions, ideals, and images, while seeking to expose how women internalize and externalize these expectations as they struggle towards a sense [...]

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I’m Not Sure I Like The Way You Licked Me – She Takes A Lickin’ And Keeps On: Bricken

by Karen Tortora-Lee April 8, 2011 Manhattan

    Bricken Sparacino sure has been licked a lot in her life … but not exactly the way you’d expect from a show titled I’m Not Sure I Like The Way You Licked Me!.  I mean, of course, there is the requisite anecdote about the guy who french kissed her in a way that [...]

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Lickin’ With Bricken – An Interview With Bricken Sparacino

by Michelle Augello-Page March 31, 2011 Off-Off-Broadway

  Bricken Sparacino is an award winning/nominated performer, writer and director. She is also a bright, confident woman who has been involved in theatre for most of her life. To watch her work is to watch an artist with a powerful command of her talents. I have seen her ability to transform a space, as [...]

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FRIGID New York Festival 2011 – Five Questions For: I’m Not Sure I Like the Way You Licked Me!

by Karen Tortora-Lee February 18, 2011 Festivals

Welcome back to another installment of FRIGID New York Festival 2011 Q&A!  We’ll be running these throughout February until the Festival starts, so be sure to check back to read all about the great shows that will be taking part in the festival.  Also – don’t miss the winner-take-all game of Rock Paper Scissors! Today’s Q&A [...]

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